
Israel Memories

April 6, 2008

With all of the news coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, many people have the idea that Israel is an extremely dangerous place. I was fortunate enough to visit a couple of years ago on the Birthright program, and I managed to take a couple of videos:

Believe it or not, this was the only fighting I actually saw in Israel. Before the candid video was shot, the kid on the left farted on the kid on the right when the mother wasn’t watching. Listen for the sound effect at the end (I’m pretty talented.)

Israel was the first place I learned about DonkeyPower as opposed to horsepower. Here is an example of a Palestinian motorcade we came across in our travels. Traffic was backed up for a few hours, but I think you can guess why.

This giant sack of shit is Nir. Nir was the medic/guard assigned to our group of 40 university students. Nir always told us about how he wanted to come to America and be on television, so we gave him his big chance on our way to the Dead Sea. If they ever have an Israeli Idol, we’ve found our next William Hung.

Besides all the awe-inspiring spirituality, beautiful sights, amazing people we met and delicious food, that about sums up my trip to Israel (more to come…)

One comment

  1. […] American Idol Zone: wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt With all of the news coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, many people have the idea that Israel is an extremely dangerous place. I was fortunate enough to visit a couple of years ago on the Birthright program, and I managed to take a couple of videos: Believe it or not, this was the only fighting I actually saw in Israel. Before the candid video was shot, the kid on the left farted on the kid on the right when the mother wasn’t watching. Listen for the sound effect at the end (I’m […]

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